A Sunny Day In Reykjavík

Léttlopi wool colours

Finished object and new projects


I wanted to share another sweater I designed and knitted myself (sorry I don’t have a better picture):

Lopapeysa with purple flowers

I made it for Ellie because I wanted to do something similar to the pink and white sweater I made for Mimi but didn’t feel like knitting the exact same pattern twice. It’s nice enough but didn’t turn out quite as I’d hoped. I don’t know. Ellie looks very sweet in it but I don’t think it’s something I want to publish.

Continuing with my lopapeysa designing frenzy, I’ve come up with yet another design, also for Ellie (2 to 3 year size). The image below shows the same pattern in two different colour configurations:

Lopapeysa design

I haven’t even knitted it yet and I’m already kind of obsessed with it. After designing three rather unorthodox lopapeysas, I wanted to make something more traditional. It was an interesting challenge to come up with something that hadn’t been done before but which still looked very classic. I can’t wait to see how it turns out! If it all works out I’ll make the pattern available here, hopefully in a range of sizes.

I can’t decide which colour configuration I like better. Thoughts? Left or right? I think I’ll probably knit one for both girls so I can see it both ways.

It’ll have to wait a little while though because I currently have another project on the go. It’s a scarf, also self-designed. I can’t say more than that because it’s going to be a birthday present and I don’t want to give too much away, but I’ll post pics once it’s done. I will, however, show you guys the colours I’m using (it’s Léttlopi wool):

Léttlopi wool colours I hope I finish it in time!

Author: Sarah @ ASunnyDayInReykjavik

I’m an Australian woman living in Iceland with my partner and two daughters “Mimi” and “Ellie”. I blog about knitting, art, parenting and my life in Reykjavík.

6 thoughts on “Finished object and new projects

  1. I love designs that aren’t typical! <3


  2. je suis une grand mère française et je viens de découvrir les pulls islandais. J’ai commandé de la laine et je vais m’y mettre pour ma petite fille. Merci pour les modèles et les explications. Je vous contacterai quand mon pull avancera.


  3. Your designs are lovely


  4. i love that sweater that you haven’t posted the pattern for yet. I would be perfect for my grandson. when you have figured it out, i anxiously await the pattern in size 4. Thank you for your most beautiful sweater designs and I look forward to all your future designs


  5. Greaat blog I enjoyed reading


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