A Sunny Day In Reykjavík

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Work in progress

This drawing is my first attempt at realism since about…2003? I feel out of practice and I’m moving at a glacial pace, but I can feel my technique improving as I go.

The piece is coloured pencil on paper and is based on a photo of my daughter.

Colored pencil drawing of a girl with flowers.


Gullfoss waterfall + Geysir

We got home from the summer cabin this afternoon. We didn’t make all the stops on the way home that we’d wanted to as we were tired and Ellie was getting fed up with being in the car. Oh well. We did however stop by Gullfoss (the “golden waterfalls”) and Geysir yesterday. They’re not my favourite places simply because they’re as touristy as places get in this country. Spectacular & well worth visiting, yes, but hidden treasures they are not.

I of course took eleventy bajillion pictures:





Wildflowers, Gullfoss

Tourist by Gullfoss


Strokkur, Geysir

Strokkur (in the Geysir area).

Strokkur, Geysir


Blue geothermal pool, Iceland

Geothermal pool – too hot for swimming!

Geothermal pool, Iceland